A Primer for Hosting Online Creative Workshops
A lot of planning and attention goes into creating engaging, thoughtful workshops and events. This guide is designed to get you thinking about creating virtual space, whether you’re launching something new or adapting an in-person workshop to fit an online format. As many in-person events are going virtual, rethink how events are organized.
Action Plan for successful ageing (FGDs facilitated by FNS)
Between June 2014 and May 2015, the Ministerial Committee on Ageing and our partners engaged over 4,000 Singaporeans from all walks of life to hear their aspirations and ideas on how we can help Singaporeans age well.
ASEAN Symposium 2010 – Constructive Engagement (Symposium facilitated by FNS)
This Report summarises the proceedings of the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) Symposium on Methods of Stakeholder Engagement in Regional Organisations, which was held from 23 to 25 November 2009 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
PA Comic Guide on Desirable Social Norms (Brainstorming by 120 grassroots volunteers and representatives of at least 20 immigrant bodies facilitated by FNS)
Being polite means keeping a distance from a person in front of you while waiting to use the ATM.
Our Singapore Conversation
What are Singaporeans’ priorities today and what do they hope for the future? We surveyed over 4,000 respondents in the Our Singapore Conversation (OSC) Survey to supplement what we were already hearing from Singaporeans at dialogues and online. Conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) in conjunction with the OSC Secretariat, the survey aimed to get a snapshot of Singaporeans’ priorities, values and preferences.
Employee Engagement vs. Employee Experience: What’s the Difference?
In this article, we look at Employee engagement vs. Employee experience – what’s the difference, and why it matters.
Big Behavior Shifts Start with Small Nudges
When managers aren’t prepared to develop a strong, healthy team it can have serious consequences for organizations and individuals. Under bad management employees suffer emotionally and their performance declines.