How technology can transform learning and education
The rapid advent of technology in all aspects of our lives has shifted the debate of whether technology should be used in education to how it can be used to prepare our youth to become confident citizens of a modern society.
Since technology affects the health, wealth and productivity of a citizen, any form of education that does not empower the learner with the necessary skills and dispositions to thrive in a highly technology-centric world is inadequate.
Technology is a human product. It is a tool designed to aid and empower us to create, communicate and collaborate better.
How to Get Your Subconscious Mind to Work for You
When we begin to understand that our subconscious mind is the source of an infinitesimal amount of power,
we begin to realize we have the ability to set the course of our lives the way we want them to be.
By understanding specific laws that govern the power of the subconscious mind,
and by utilizing these laws, we have within our grasp the ability to create beneficial changes in our lives.