July 2022

International Institute for Facilitation

We need your help! INIFAC is crafting a template RFP for facilitation services, and we will be sharing and promoting that template for clients who want to hire certified facilitators for work. Do you have any example RFP language you would like to share with us? We’d love to hear from you!

The CVF journey - how to be certified as a virtual facilitator

The CVF journey – how to be certified as a virtual facilitator

I remember the day I had to be certified as a virtual facilitator. I was scared.

So scared that I didn’t prepare. No, I didn’t know how to even prepare.

After all, all I had under my belt was just 2 virtual facilitation sessions of focus group discussions. Could I count myself as experienced enough to be certified?

We work, care and make decisions involving other people almost everyday, whether it is at work, with friends, neighbours or our family. How can we design more inclusive ways of decision making so that our colleagues, friends, volunteers, partners, fellow citizens feel involved, listened to and valued?

School Circles: A Film Screening on Sociocracy with A Good Space

We work, care and make decisions involving other people almost everyday, whether it is at work, with friends, neighbours or our family.

How can we design more inclusive ways of decision making so that our colleagues, friends, volunteers, partners, fellow citizens feel involved, listened to and valued?