SPOT on Facilitation Second Edition
SPOT on Facilitation offers much insight on the art and science of process facilitation. Centred around the easy-to-follow FNS 4D Facilitation® Model, the book presents a wide array of effective tools and practices that extend its benefits to interactions between individuals or groups.

Another Week Beyond – 1708
Through the kindness of the Far East Organisation, we could conduct a family conference at Changi Cove for the couple whose marriage was fragile following a misunderstanding (AWB – 1705). 18 family members and 20 volunteers participated in a day long discussion with the agenda of: a. What is a happy and successful marriage? b. […]

The Future of Events
A great discussion by industry leaders on changes and innovations in the meetings and events industry in the next 3-5 years.

“SPOT on Facilitation in Japan” on 23-25 June 2016
We held Global Facilitation Workshop “SPOT on Facilitation in Japan” on 23-25 June 2016.
This workshop was conducted by two facilitators Prabu Naidu and Janice Lua who are co-founders of Facilitators Network Singapore (FNS). FNS is a partner organization of Knowledge Signs in Singapore.

How to Run the Ideal Meeting
Many managers agree, most meetings are time wasters. Things tend to go round and round, it is hard to make your voice heard over one or two dominant personalities and nothing seems to get done after each meeting.
FNS Certificate of Appreciation
FNS was recognised by the Association for Public Affairs (APA) for being the facilitation sponsor for the APA SG100 COMPASS (Conversations on Measures of Progress for our Aspirational Singapore Society) (Youth Edition). Our volunteer facilitators assisted with facilitation in some segments in the SG100 conversations.
Celebrating 2015 and Welcoming 2016
We appreciate you for your participation and support in our 2015 events. Thank you! We would like to celebrate with you some of our achievements last year and share some of our plans for 2016.
Professional Development Pathway with FNS 9 Jan 2016
Professional Development Pathway with FNS 9 Jan 2016
FNS Volunteer Facilitators help with Rejoice Retreat for Beyond Social Services on 12 December 2015
Seven mothers, a father and Robert (not his real name), a single man of 37, were sitting in a circle to debrief the day’s happenings. They were a little exhausted but also filled with pride and a sense of satisfaction for what they had achieved.
First INIFAC English – Chinese bilingual webinar on 15 October 2015
First INIFAC English – Chinese bilingual webinar on 15 October 2015. CCF & CMF certification was presented and future plans for Facilitation in China discussed.