FNS facilitated a Strategic Development Meeting (SDM) at Aquarama 2015 at Suntec City in Singapore on 30 May 2015. The objectives of this inaugural international meeting of multi-stakeholders were to:
- Develop a strategic framework for coordination regarding home aquarium fisheries which provide socio-economic benefits and environmental stewardship.
- Formalise a collaborative plan to advance coordination between public aquariums, zoos, home aquarium industries, home aquarium hobbyists and academic scientists so that they work in concert to increase awareness and education about positive conservation outcomes from beneficial home aquarium fisheries and production systems.
100% of the attendees committed to take action to implement the suggestions brainstormed at SDM – a promising and encouraging start!
Although the majority of the participants were new to a facilitated, participatory process, 100% of the attendees found the SDM a good/excellent experience and 88% felt the meeting had achieved its objectives.
Details on the initiative can be viewed on: www.projectpiaba.org