Studies show that the average employee spends approximately six hours each week in meetings and senior level professionals can spend up to 85% of their total work time in scheduled meetings.
The infographic below highlights some of the downsides of numerous meetings from studies done in the U.S.
However, if meetings could be truly productive, would employees and management be able to spend significantly less time or get more accomplished in attending them?
In this issue, we share insights to this question and some secrets to super productive meetings that could make the best use of one of your company’s most valued resource – your employees’ time.
Causes and costs of unproductive meetings
The three most common causes of unproductive meetings are found to be:
Lack of engagement
General lack of planning and an absence of structure
According to a study by Group Vision, many of the companies on the Fortune 500 list spend and waste approximately USD75 million each year on unproductive meetings. Despite their standing on this list, can any of these businesses afford to waste this much money each year?
Can yours?
Tips for super productive meetings
Here’s a list to optimise the effectiveness of every meeting in your company.
#1 – Create and Publish an Agenda
#2 – Initiate the Meeting at the Time Stated in Your Agenda
#3 – Provide Regular Summaries throughout the Meeting
#4 – Delegate
#5 – Ask the Right Questions
#6 – Utilise Various Technologies
Using Various Technologies in Meetings
The trend known as “BYOD” or “Bring Your Own Devices” is gaining an immense amount of popularity among professionals. Approximately 83% of all managers use their own laptops to share information within meetings, 53% use a tablet and 41% use a smartphone. If only one electronic device is being used to share information in a meeting room among many, it takes more time for that information to be viewed by all. If attendees are able to connect wirelessly to a display or projection unit being used in the meeting, this would help move the meeting along more quickly and encourage participation at a faster rate.
One of the most effective means of optimising collaboration is through a programme called “ClickShare”. Not only is this collaboration system exceptionally easy to use, but it is easy to set up, connects a wide array of devices with exceptional speed, and keeps all information secure. It also eliminates the need to have an on-site technician to assist with the meetings.
In addition to “ClickShare”, there are other programmes such as “LessMeeting”, “UberConference”, “iMeet” and “Zoho”. If you want to increase productivity and optimise participation, while saving on costs, these digital products or similar are necessary for virtual meetings.
Reclaim Control of Your Meetings Today
Remember that your meeting should always have a clearly defined agenda, a set time, a specific action or set of actions that should be completed, and end on time. Meetings should only be held when necessary and have the “right” people invited to attend for the specific agenda item. In addition, consider integrating technology such as video conferencing or other collaboration systems into your meetings and you may find that your attendees are more focused and engaged whether they are attending in person or remotely.
Use the following checklist as a useful guide on conducting productive meetings.
What to do Before a Meeting | What to do During a Meeting | What to do After a Meeting |
By committing to and taking affirmative action toward organising more effective meetings that actually generate the results you want in significantly lesser time, you and your business will essentially be accomplishing more with the same resources!
Need help for a highly engaging and productive meeting?
Contact Facilitators Network Singapore at for more information.