Social & Environmental Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Partners

FNS provides volunteer facilitators (VFs) to support the cause of

Beyond Social Service

We help children and youths from less privileged backgrounds to break away from the poverty cycle. We want to develop young people who respect the law, value education and seek to become responsible persons.

We believe that people have the ability to help themselves and can successfully reach their goals despite their disadvantages.

We take a long-term view and focus on impacting young lives by providing them access to social, educational and community support programmes. We value inter-organisational collaboration & will steadily expand by building networks of individuals and organisations that can contribute towards our vision. We would therefore gladly work with others, as we believe that our target group will ultimately benefit when more members of the community take an active interest in their well-being.

We ensure quality social service by facilitating an organisational culture that rewards passion, innovation, on-going evaluation and the development of human resources.

BSS Appreciation to FNS, April 2016

BSS Appreciation to FNS, April 2016

FNS provides volunteer facilitators (VFs) to support the cause of

The Guide Dogs Association of the Blind (GDAB) was founded with the mission to help the blind or visually impaired enhance their quality of life through better mobility around their environment. To this end, GDAB focuses on providing mobility training to the blind or visually impaired, and for those deemed suitable, pair them with Guide Dogs eventually.

GDAB is a non-profit voluntary welfare organisation, and has been accorded Charity status by the Commissioner of Charities. Registered with the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) as an associate member and holds an Institute of Public Character status.

Alzheimer’s Disease Association, Singapore, is a voluntary welfare organization providing dementia care, caregiver support and promoting awareness of dementia.

Click Here to Read ADI-Women and-Dementia Summary Sheet

FNS and team of volunteers in Shanghai – facilitating for charity on 31 July 2017

FNS and team of volunteers in Shanghai – facilitating for charity on 31 July 2017

FNS Facilitates Strategic Development Meeting at Aquarama 2015

FNS facilitated a Strategic Development Meeting (SDM) at Aquarama 2015 at Suntec City in Singapore on 30 May 2015. The objectives of this inaugural international meeting of multi-stakeholders were to:

  1. Develop a strategic framework for coordination regarding home aquarium fisheries which provide socio-economic benefits and environmental stewardship.
  2. Formalise a collaborative plan to advance coordination between public aquariums, zoos, home aquarium industries, home aquarium hobbyists and academic scientists so that they work in concert to increase awareness and education about positive conservation outcomes from beneficial home aquarium fisheries and production systems.

100% of the attendees committed to take action to implement the suggestions brainstormed at SDM – a promising and encouraging start!

Although the majority of the participants were new to a facilitated, participatory process, 100% of the attendees found the SDM a good/excellent experience and 88% felt the meeting had achieved its objectives.

Details on the initiative can be viewed on:
To volunteer as a VF with us, please email us at