FNS Community of Practice (CoP) – The 2030 SDGs Game

FNS Community of Practice (CoP) – The 2030 SDGs Game

Date: 9 Nov 2024 (Saturday)

Time: 9.00am-12.30pm

Place: Oxley BizHub 2 @Ubi Road 1

Your registration will be confirmed only upon receipt of payment

(via PayNow to FNS UEN 200600307Z)

(SDGs=Sustainable Development Goals)


The 2030 SDGs Game is a powerful and engaging experiential workshop that simulates potential scenarios for our world in 2030. This game-based simulation highlights the critical importance of balancing the three pillars of sustainability: People, Planet, and Profits.

This immersive experience allows participants to:

  • Demystify the SDGs and bring them to life through gameplay
  • Experience the interconnectivity of global issues firsthand
  • Explore the power of individual actions in contributing to a more balanced world

Participants are invited to explore the mindsets and actions necessary to advance sustainability as they take on roles and make decisions that impact the simulated world.

Through gameplay, individuals gain firsthand experience of what it takes to create a balanced, sustainable world and understand how the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are interconnected.



Gregory Kalabekov
Gregory Kalabekov MSc, ACTA

A corporate trainer, Gregory Kalabekov has designed and facilitated learning experiences for over 70% of Singapore Government bodies and over 25% of Fortune Global 100 companies including Apple, Google, Exxon Mobil, and IBM. An expert in gameful training strategies, he’s guaranteed to get your team fired up.

With, a MSc in Organizational Psychology and HRM from City University of New York (USA), a BA in Economics and Sociology, and a stack of certificates that’s growing thicker by the year, Gregory’s a true advocate of lifelong learning.

Thanks to a wealth of stage experience, he’s able to effortlessly break the ice and engage with participants from all walks of life. A musician and entertainer, he’s various TV credits to his name, appearing on stage with celebrities like Fann Wong, Mark Lee and Flying Dutchman.

Armenian born in Russia, he’s called Singapore home since 2005. When not delivering training experiences, he can be found organizing art projects with his wife, a professional artist, and exploring outdoors with two daughters.